

​​Early  Childhood Education  & Development

The Practical Life area is designed to teach children life skills that can be applied to their everyday lives.

In addition to building a specific set of skills, the Practical Life Area improves:

  • fine motor skills and coordination;
  • concentration and attention to detail;
  • confidence and abilities to care for oneself and others independently.


Language Art

The Math curriculum allows children to develop their understanding through hands-on materials and visual learning experiences.  The materials build on many concepts that are first introduced in the Sensorial Area, thus providing children with a deeper understanding of quantities and math functions. 

These materials provide opportunities to learn both from memory and discovery as children explore quantities and operations in units, tens, and hundreds. Other math concepts such as measurement, geometry, statistics, currency, and problem solving are part of the curriculum.

The language area is multifaceted.  The materials are designed to assess and develop skills needed to create a strong foundation for language, including:

  • Language Concepts, 
  • Sound and Letter Recognition,
  • Printing,
  • Reading, and
  • Spelling.

Our language program continues throughout the day with storytelling, reading, group discussions, and music.


Cognitive researchers point out that children's social-emotional development is as important as their intellectual and physical development. Children's emotional health affects their academic performance, and their academic performance affects their emotional health. In other words, depression, anxiety, and unhappiness impair school performance. Similarly, school failure contributes to emotional health problems.

This is why we choose to put this development upfront as first priority. Throughout the daily activities we purposefully use strategies to support young children’s social-emotional development and stimulate their social and emotional growth in:

  • Self-awareness
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision-Making.

The Sensorial Area provides children with the opportunity to learn through self-discovery and the manipulation of materials.  

In addition to developing the use of our senses, it also improves:

  • abilities to process information;
  • the understanding of beginning math concepts such as geometry, patterning, measurements, and dimensions.

Our classroom environment is designed to:

  • be non-competitive and inclusive,
  • inspire enjoyment of learning,
  • build on children’s successes,
  • be calm and clutter-free, yet stimulating, and
  • enable the child to develop good work habits and self regulation.

Small class sizes allow opportunities for children to work one in small groups and one on one with a teacher.

Papillon Program offers a 9 hours a day program, 2.5 hours educational orientated, four days a week.. See more......

The rates are for a full day Child Care and includes a Preschool Program. After school care is available if there is space. See more...

Sensorial Development

Emotional and Social Development

Classroom Environment

Practical Life Activities